THIRD ACT DATING - A Guide to Companionship for Silver Singles
I’m delighted to announce my upcoming publication THIRD ACT DATING. It’s a guide for senior singles who want to get back into the dating game but aren’t sure how to do it.
I’m delighted to announce my upcoming publication THIRD ACT DATING. It’s a guide for senior singles who want to get back into the dating game but aren’t sure how to do it.
Appearing in 2024 and published by Akashic Publishers, NY, the latest of the Noir Series will be edited by Tiphanie Yanique and my short story, “The Last Sail,” will be the anchor story for the book. I’m thrilled and looking forward to reading the other contributors’ work.
Fridays, from July 21 to August 11, 2023: Internet Dating classes for seniors at the Central DeKalb Senior Center at 12 noon.
A new class starts on Friday, August 25, ending on October 27. Topic: SENIOR SINGLES AND THE DATING GAME!
We have been announced as an official awardee of the HFM, to be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in late September. My co-writer Tony Hendriks and I are working with director Peter Sagnia to get our pitches and script ready for the big festival!
My first script to be performed on the boards!
I'm thrilled to see my play 'How to be an Immigrant' performed in Atlanta. A winner of the Pistarkle Theater of the US Virgin Islands' New Playwrights Award (2017), this production will hit the boards in August 2108 at the Academy Theater in Atlanta, Georgia.
I poured my heart into writing this play, which is at times autobiographical. With a twist, of course. It documents the crisis in the life of a Jamaican woman living in Atlanta for 30 years. Everything is tumbling down around her, her sons turn against her, and she regrets the day she migrated to the US. What does she do now?
Looking forward to the auditions in May, rehearsals in July and performances in August!
CHARIS BOOKSTORE welcomes a signing for ALTANTA NOIR, an anthology of short stories edited by Tayari Jones and published by Akashic Publishers, NY.
Gillian's short story, ONE-EYED WOMAN, is included in the anthology.
Pistarckle Theater of St. Thomas have selected my new play, HOW TO BE AN IMMIGRANT, as one of the winners of their New Playwrights Festival.
There'll be a reading of the play at Pistarckle on Saturday, May 20 at 7 pm. I'd love my St. Thomas friends and readers to attend!